Order status
We use various order statuses to make sure that you know exactly when your order will be shipped and what has been shipped already. You will receive order status updates by email and you can check them in your personal account (you can create one in the checkout process).
Your order can have one out of the 6 order statuses below.
1. Open, your order has been placed succesfully, but the payment has not been done yet. Your order will be shipped as soon as we have received the payment. The payment can be done by the following methods:
- Paypal, send the amount of your invoice to service@rounded.com.
- Bank transfer, send the amount of your invoice to
NL51RABO0125378815, please click here for full bank account details.
After we have received the payment your order will be updated to: ''in preparation'', ''processed'', ''completed'' or ''partly shipped''
We will now explain these different statuses.
2. In preparation, your order has not been shipped yet, some of the items from your order have a longer handling time for our logistic department. Your order will be shipped on very short term. Your orders next status will be ''completed'' or ''partly shipped''.
3. Processed, your order is paid and will be shipped as fast as possible, your orders next status can be ''in preparation'', ''party shipped'' or ''completed'' depending on the situation.
4. Partly shipped, your order has been shipped, but not all items are in the box, check the backorder manager in your personal account to see what is shipped and what will be shipped later. You have already received the tracking information or will receive this very shortly. (if a shipment method with tracking has been selected)
5. Completed, your order has been completely shipped and will be delivered by the choosen shipping method, all of the ordered items are in the box. The tracking information has already been sent to you or will be sent very shortly. (if a shipment method with tracking has been selected)
Ps: You can check every tracking information we have send you in your personal account!
6. Canceled, your order has been canceled, money has been refunded if neccesary
7. Not paid, your order has not been paid yet! Please make the payment by banktransfer or Paypal and your order will be shipped.
Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions regarding the other statuses. Just contact us at service@rounded.com.